My oldest son is visiting us, giving us a hand with spring clean-up, which is usually completed by mid-March. It's been a long winter and Spring is soooooo very overdue and very much on my mind. When I see the birds singing in the trees and picking worms from the ground, I know that spring has signaled its arrival. Although, I haven't seen many birds, the spring flowers are in all the stores. Guess I've been a bit anxious for the nice weather. Thinking about birds that visit my yard every year was the inspiration for this weeks digital image. My youngest always called me Ma rather than Mother, Mom or Mama like my other children. So meet Ma Birdie and have fun with my digital image.
Well, you all know where I'm headed --- Back outside to work in the yard and maybe I'll see some birdies to signal SPRING is here!!
Enjoy and Y'all come back now!