We had an unbelievable trip of mishaps and good fortune. Although I spent most of my life in a large city, it was sticker shock for a couple of senior citizens who now live in a small town. Parking was $60. a night...yep, per night and breakfast cost $150., just for the two of us. Lily and Beth had picked up the stomach flu and the birthday party was cancelled. Four days later everyone was feeling better and we enjoyed a lovely dinner together before we headed home. Two hours into our 9-1/2 hour trip I stopped to be a good samaritan and give a young couple a jump to start their car. Ten minutes later my speedometer stopped working. Then the battery light lit up the dash and finally the ABS light came on. I started to worry. My husband is handicapped and breaking down on the road causes challenges. I prayed out loud, "please God let us get home safely". Five minutes later the rear tire blew, shredded, and wrapped around the rear axel locking the wheels. It blew with such force it ripped the bumper off one side of the car. We were 34 miles from the next exit. With help from AAA and the wonderful people of Aurora, IN, we were towed, and the car repaired with a new battery, tire and rim. Again we headed home. One hour into our new trip I look in the side mirror and the bumper is dragging on the road. Another call to AAA and another delay. We put the bumper in the back of the car with my husband and started back home again. I wondered why all the delays?? In front of us was a terrible accident that stopped traffic for more than 3 hours. I had asked for us to arrive home safe and my prayers were answered. It wasn't easy, but we're home and we are safe. What a trip!
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Enjoy the Memorial Day holiday! A special thanks to our soldiers and all veterans who helped protect our country and our freedom.
Y'all come back now!